Improving people's well-being, creating a better life together

Deepen the "COFCO model" and fully promote rural revitalization

Rural revitalization is a decisive battle to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, which requires the driving effects of leading enterprises. As the "leader" of the agricultural industry in China, COFCO takes root in rural areas, fully explores and develops regional specialized industries by giving full play to its own industrial advantages, and relying on the whole industry chain of agricultural and grain enterprises, the group has improved the interest chain of cooperation and guidance with farmers to boost rural revitalization, through innovative cooperation mechanisms, brand building, technical support, etc., so as to promote the all-round revitalization of rural areas, and give momentum to Chinese path to modernization.


Focus on urgent livelihood needs and ensure emergency supply

COFCO actively fulfills its responsibilities as a central SOE by establishing a special working mechanism for stabilizing regional market supply and a three-level emergency supply assurance response mechanism covering 29 regions across the country, to ensure the essential supplies for emergency and major events.


Sustained charity and diversified cohesion of COFCO's great love

COFCO has actively fulfilled its corporate citizenship responsibilities by devoting itself to charity and making continuous efforts in the fields of food conservation, caring for the weak and disabled, and providing educational assistance to students. Through practical actions, COFCO gives back to society and collaborates to create a better life for all.